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C CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMThis group comprises substances used for the treatment of cardiovascular conditions.
Drugs used for the treatment of hypertension are classified in C02 - Antihypertensives, C03 - Diuretics, C07 - Beta blocking agents, C08 - Calcium channel blockers, and C09 - Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system. For the classification of combination products of antihypertensives from different ATC groups, the following ranking should be used, from higher to lower precedence: C09, C07, C08, and C03.
This group comprises preparations used in ischemic heart diseases. See also C02 - Antihypertensives, C03 - Diuretics, C04 - Peripheral vasodilators, C07 - Beta blocking agents, C08 - Calcium channel blockers and C09 - Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system.
Combinations with cardiac glycosides, see C01A.
Combinations with rauwolfia alkaloids, see C02AA.
Combinations with beta blocking agents, see C07.
Combinations with calcium channel blockers, see C08.
C01DA Organic nitrates
This group comprises nitrates used on the indication angina pectoris, including transdermal preparations. Amyl nitrite is classified in V03AB - Antidotes.
Combinations of isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine are classified in C01DA58.
All nitrate preparations in combination with psycholeptics are classified in C01DA70. Nitrates in combination with psycholeptics and other agents are also given the code C01DA70.
The DDDs for the nitrates are mainly based on the treatment of angina pectoris attacks (3-4 times daily). The DDDs of preparations for oral and transdermal administration are higher than the DDDs for other routes of administration (e.g. sublingual) due to a lower bioavailability. The DDDs for some preparations are mainly based on prophylaxis, for instance the DDDs of isosorbide dinitrate and glyceryl trinitrate plaster. No DDDs are established for parenteral preparations due to great differences in the dosages used. |
ATC code | Name | DDD | U | Adm.R | Note |
C01DA20 | organic nitrates in combination |
Last updated: 2024-12-27