Postal address:
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology
Postboks 222 Skøyen
0213 Oslo

Visiting/delivery address:
Myrens verksted 6H
0473 Oslo

Tel:  +47 21 07 81 60

Guidelines for ATCvet classification

The guidelines describe the ATCvet classification system. The publication consists of a general part giving information about the system and procedures and data requirements for ATCvet classification and alterations. The second part of the publication, the interpretative guidelines, describes the different levels in the ATCvet system down to the 4th level. The comments included vary from one ATCvet group to another. No comments are given if the establishment of ATCvet codes is considered to cause no special problems.
The interpretative guidelines should be consulted whenever the ATCvet system is used for drug utilisation research. They describe particular issues, which have been discussed and resolved by consensus of the working group.
The guidelines is updated every year. The guidelines can be ordered as a paper copy from the Centre. (Order form).

A pdf version of the Guidelines is available here (2024).

Guidelines ATCvet 2014

Last updated: 2025-01-30