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J ANTIINFECTIVES FOR SYSTEMIC USEAntiinfectives are also classified in the following groups:
A01AB Antiinfectives and antiseptics for local oral treatment
A02BD Combinations for eradication of Helicobacter pylori
A07A Intestinal antiinfectives
D01 Antifungals for dermatological use
D06 Antibiotics and chemotherapeutics for dermatological use
D07C Corticosteroids, combinations with antibiotics
D09AA Ointment dressings with antiinfectives
D10AF Antiinfectives for treatment of acne
G01 Gynecological antiinfectives and antiseptics
P Antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents
R02AB Antibiotics
S03 Eye and ear preparations with antiinfectives
Even systemically administered antibacterials and antimycotics may be classified in other groups if their target is exclusively local, e.g. the skin - D01 - Antifungals for dermatological use.
Inhaled antiinfectives are classified in J.
The DDDs for the antiinfectives are as a main rule based on the use in infections of moderate severity. However, some antiinfectives are only used in severe infections and their DDDs are assigned accordingly. The DDDs assigned are based on daily treatment. The duration of the treatment periods is not taken into consideration. For antiinfectives given in a high initially starting dose followed by a lower daily "maintenance" dose, the DDDs are based on the "maintenance" dose if the total duration of the treat-ment course is more than one week. If, however, the treatment course is 7 days or less, the DDDs are assigned according to the average daily dose i.e. the total course dose divided by the number of treatment days (e.g azithromycin). |
The vaccines are divided in bacterial, viral and combinations of bacterial and viral at separate ATC 3rd levels. Subdivision at the 4th level is made mainly according to indication. The ATC 5th level does not reflect the manufacturing process, e.g. recombinant is not included in the level names.
Combinations of vaccines within the same 3rd level are given separate 5th levels using the 50-series. 5th levels may contain adjuvans.
See comments under the 4th levels.
No DDDs have been assigned. |
J07BA Encephalitis vaccines
J07BB Influenza vaccines
Split virus vaccine is classified in J07BB02 together with surface antigen.
J07BC Hepatitis vaccines
Recombinant and plasma derived hepatitis vaccines are classified at the same 5th level.
Therapeutic vaccines for chronic hepatitis B are classified in J07BC01.
Combinations of malaria and hepatitis B vaccines are classified in J07XA01 - malaria vaccines.
J07BD Measles vaccines
Combinations with mumps and/or rubella are classified in this group.
J07BE Mumps vaccines
Combinations with measles vaccine, with or without rubella, are classified in J07BD. Combinations with rubella vaccine are classified in J07BJ.
J07BF Poliomyelitis vaccines
Poliomyelitis vaccines are classified according to the number of virus types included and according to administration form, i.e. oral or parenteral.
Combinations with diphteria/tetanus/pertussis and/or Haemophilus influenzae B are classified in J07CA.
J07BG Rabies vaccines
J07BH Rota virus diarrhea vaccines
J07BJ Rubella vaccines
Combinations with mumps vaccine are classified in this group. Combinations with measles vaccine, with or without mumps vaccine, are classified in J07BD.
Combinations with diphteria and tetanus are classified in J07CA.
J07BK Varicella zoster vaccines
J07BL Yellow fever vaccines
J07BM Papillomavirus vaccines
J07BN Covid-19 vaccines
J07BX Other viral vaccines
Vaccines against smallpox and/or monkeypox infections are classified in J07BX01.
Last updated: 2024-01-26